My emoji tendency.

Photo by Denis Cherkashin on Unplash


I am an emoji texter. Yep, I emojify to punctuate. For those of you that know this about me, and still love me despite these tendencies, I appreciate you.

Because here is the deal. While I will never judge you on whether or not you would emoji-reciprocate, I will unapologetically continue to add a token of love here and there in my texts to you. And yes, I am fully aware that it’s NOT for everyone.

So here is what you need to know:

I am expressive in real life and my emojis serve as my heartfelt punctuation marks which fill in the gaps for the absence of being able to physically hug you, smile with you, laugh with you, get mad at the same things with you, and  ponder life. My emoji’s are the wholehearted tactical replacement for basically anything I am feeling in that nanosecond. I feel completely lost and inauthentic when I text sans emoji flair. 

And ooohhh, trust me, do I get it. Emoji’s may not be your thing and you have every right to abstain from their use – and really, I don’t judge you for that. But personally, I cannot apologize for my own use of them. It’s just who I am.

And yes, there are times when I will consciously withhold from an emoji (and ohh my gawd is it HARD … but I stay strong) when I don’t know you, am skeptical about you, or the topic is too serious to warrant any of the obvious emoji choices. But, you must know, it takes every inch of my power to not cap off with a heart or smiley face or double exclamation.

So please, if you judge me on the basis of my emojification tendencies, at least know this:

If you are a recipient of a text with an emoji from me– its my like/love for you, my feeling of safety with you, my commitment to my realness, and my way of saying – “hey, if I were with you right now in real life, I’d hug you, smile at you, laugh with you,  give you a high five, or exclaim loudly no fuckin’ way in support of you”.

It’s all love, pure love.



Gratitude and relative-deprivation theory.


The Big D.